
Welcome to the team, Tobias

Since the beginning of july, Tobias Capraro has been supporting us as a mechanic in our application element construction department. Together with Steffen Weiss, he assembles and repairs the application elements for our adhesive application machines.

Welcome to the best team in the world, Tobias! We are looking forward to working with you.

Steffen recently switched internally from machining to application element construction. Tobias has now joined him as a new member of the team.

Tobias and Steffen form our new AE-team, which assembles the contract elements for our machines with a great deal of expertise and commitment. At a time when technology and innovation are so important, we are delighted to have experts like this two with us. They are an important part of our team.

If you would also like to become part of our team or know someone who could be a perfect fit, don't hesitate to contact us! We look forward to welcoming talented and motivated people who want to shape the future together with us.

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